Santa Croce for Peace

Today at 12 noon the bells of Santa Croce rang for 7 minutes, one for each day of war, as a unanimous appeal for peace amongst people.

"When nations burn, the bells ring."

This is the slogan of the initiative, promoted by the Association of Cathedrals and Fabbricerie in Europe, which the Opera and the Franciscan Friars of Santa Croce have also adhered to.

The appeal of the Association of Fabbricerie continues, declaring its solidarity with the victims of the ongoing war in Ukraine: "We, the community responsible for the conservation of the great cathedrals and Fabbricerie of Europe, from Norway to Malta and from Spain to Ukraine, will not remain silent about the war in Ukraine. Europe is burning: we want to ring the bells of our churches for 7 minutes on Thursday 3rd March 2022 at 12 noon, one minute for every day since the beginning of this meaningless war to enable the sound to be heard in many places throughout Europe".

"With the sound of the bells we declare our solidarity with the people who have to endure this war and that fear for their lives - the appeal continues - with the sound we mourn the dead of all the countries involved, with the sound we pray for all affected by this war, with the sound we will pray for peace".