Anyone needing to visit the complex or the archive for study purposes or to take photographs or film for other than purely personal use will find all the information they need regarding the regulations governing access, consultation and applying for a permit in these pages.
Access for scholars
Special procedures govern access for those wishing to visit the Santa Croce complex for study purposes or to consult the Opera di Santa Croce's historical archive.
The church and convent of Santa Croce's more than 700 years of history have left us a cultural and artistic legacy of incomparable value testifying to its religious and civic development. That legacy includes the Opera di Santa Croce's archives, housing the documentation produced and collected over the years by this ancient office of works founded in the second half of the 14th century specifically to manage, maintain and preserve the Franciscan complex.
Photography and video permits
Visitors wishing to take home a memory of their visit to Santa Croce may take photographs without a tripod or a flash, strictly for private use only.
If you wish to take photographs or videos for purposes of study, for scholarly, commercial or editorial use or for the cinema or television, we would ask you to provide us with details of your study or business plan beforehand by getting in touch with our office.