Taddeo Gaddi, “Sposalizio della Vergine”, particolare delle “Storie della Vergine”, 1328-1330 circa, affresco. Firenze, Santa Croce, transetto destro, cappella Baroncelli

Discover Santa Croce's masterpieces

The treasures of Santa Croce

Qualified guides accompany you on your discovery of the masterpieces in the complex. You will be able to admire Giotto's frescoes and the large 16th century altarpieces, to collect your thoughts in front of the monumental tombs of the great and good – Michelangelo, Galileo and Machiavelli. It will also be an opportunity to rediscover the Sacristy with the Crucifix by Cimabue which we have just reopened to the public.

Please note: tours last 60 minutes. The itinerary is only partly accessible to visitors with impaired movement due to the presence of steps. 

Private tours can be arranged in Italian, English, French, German, Spanish, Russian and Japanese. For further details, please write to us at booking@santacroceopera.it

Bronzino, “Discesa di Cristo al Limbo”, particolare, 1552, olio su tavola. Firenze, Santa Croce, cappella Medici